whoa! i can't believe i'm still alive! life after graduation is two times crappy [and sometimes 10 times]... requirements requirements requirements! damn, i need to accomplish everything before it's too late! [haha]... i'm rushing so that i can apply for the local boards' application. and how i wish i could carry everything well... seriously speaking i'm not yet ready to have the board exam. as a matter of fact, all this time, my life is occupied with completions of OB scrubs. [huhuhu]... well, im thankful that i had my OR operations done, that offers a lil' relief [whoooo..] i still thank God for the strength His' giving me. i'm still surviving. my plans are now laid in God's hands... yesterday, my tita gave me her late graduation gift! and i'm so happy that she gave me this "lucky pig" haha... they believe that this will bring good luck, and i can't believe that i'm hoping that this gift will bring me something! funny isn't it? heheh... ________________________________________
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