I love gays. Or maybe because I'm a gay too. It is said that girls are tagged as gays once they act like gays, so yeah there's such a word as gay girls (.. the term i got from a magazine). Based on studies, our society started to accept the nature of these funny beings (gays..) in the late 80's where a lot of gay personalities were known. I can say that these people have high intellectual capabilities. Why? Because both sides of their brains are working ( feminine and the masculine side). Kidding aside, I like how gays rationalize on different situations, the way they dress and groom themselves, the way they cope with "discrimination" and most of all how they speak.
In the Philippines, there is a unique way gay talking. I have never heard of gay languages from other countries other than in my home country. So I'm half-proud. Lol. Swardspeak is a vernacular language derived from Englog (English-Tagalog) and is used by a number of gay Filipinos. By using swardspeak, Filipino gay men are able to resist the dominant culture of their area and create a space of their own.
Watch this. Have fun!