Ok, nothing really special since I do not celebrate Holloween (it's a pagan practice) and this that they call allsaints days (i just dont). But happy that I got 1 day off from work, that really matters. The day, was really sunny but freeking cold but I can say that one of the nicest weather in autumn seasons. And here I am to just narrative some stuff I did yeaterday.
1. Me, with Papa and Mama went out and stroll at the nearest mercatino. Mercatino is more of like a tiangge or a little market to traslate it literally. Im a mercatino girl an Ive been slacking every mercatino I know! I wasnt able to buy any clothes but at least I got a chance to munch on 2euro frenchfroes' Hehe
2. Youtubing! Right after eating the roasted chicken we bought from the market I lie down on my bed to rest (i know that's a foolish idea babying the fats). Turned my laptop on and watched some prophesies on Yt. I loce watching endtime event vids on YT . I I just believe that we are in the end time events and at the birge of the apocalyps.
3. 1 hour nap, I guess nothing to elaborate more on this. I love afternoon naps.
4. Went out with Ma and Pa at the nearest commercial center to go windowshopping. I havent got my salary for last month so Im literally tight. And saw this super cute yellow blazer at TallyWeijl and I told myself that I should buy it, and I did. Lol. It was on sale so no refrets at all. Did some groceries, ate mini brioches and went home.
5. Did my masterpiece! Tuna insalata! I do miss this!! I bought some rucola (my most fave) and had a great insalata dinner... Superfull!
And thats it. Nothin really special! Hehe bad that I wish I did some paperworka meetin the deadlines! Imma do that today instead!
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