Thursday, January 02, 2014

2014 New as the newest ♥

Hello 2014. Im ready to do adventure with yah. Yes, every new beginning is exciting and one of the real-est beginnings is celebrating a brand new year. I do not have resolutions (I find them suckish), but I have clear plans. Plans are plain previews, but I will make them into reality, the real thing hands can feel & hold. Surely, God prepares us all for greatness under His wings of glory and we have to trust Him. ♥ it is funny why the word "Trust" tickles nicely when heard but hard when you are asked to put it ito action. With all sincerity, I find ease in placing this Trust to our All Mighty God. He knows the best ways anyway and He knows the best plans. ♥ so, as simple as this, im letting Him rule in my 2014.
Lovelife ♥? All the pipolsssz around me are affected, but I dot worry that much. My prince is coming and he's on his way. Chillax for the win!

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