Monday, September 20, 2010

Adventist Youth: 1st Practice and Bonding

September 19, 2010.. yesterday we had our 8 hr practice of the songs that we are planning to sing for the up coming Youth Congress in Verona. Basically, my brothers and I don't have an idea if we are gonna make to join the group since we are informed that it is during the holiday season ( family bonding time, yuletide... :D) But then again we are hoping that it is scheduled before or after the yuletide season.

We had our practice inthe church. The Tagalog Church is outside of the main center of Milano. With that said we need to take a long train ride and a bus ride to get there ( if there are no bus skeds, by all means you have to take a cub). Since the place is far from our house, we came late. Marc and I attended but Jake (unfortunatelt) wasn't able to join. We did a lot of stuff including votations of officers, plans for a couple of months ahead and practice 2 songs. And! yes we ate ate ate :))

After 18.30 we decided to go home but the rest planned to go to a certain birthday celebration where we were invited. The day is tiring but, I guess it is pretty fulfilling to let the day pass without us wasting it. We enjoyed and glad that we met a very funny group that would go a long way.

We reached home 9 in the eve. And, yea, I talked to Ian for a couple of minutes before parking and closing the day...

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